Monday, October 17, 2011

The idea of a “National Software”

The richly decorated, highly acclaimed academic was presenting before me.
This fact on its own would not have been a problem, had he not used my laptop as a host for his densely populated power-point and had my laptop not been under huge risk of misbehaving due to its overconsumption of desert-dust.
The disease of the ‘black screen’ is manageable in the privacy of one’s office, (unplug the charger, blow through both ends...) a bit less when it happens as part of a well-organised and technology based conference.

Thankfully, my laptop behaved... However, my anxious wait for the inevitable catastrophe almost meant I missed the best part of the presentation...
This professor, whose subject was loosely based around Energy Efficiency and Regulations (yet to be implemented) in the host country, referred to something that made me prick my ears...
“National Software”.

I mentioned before, how I had the lucky opportunity to observe Sustainability related happenings unfold in 4 very different countries over the last couple of years, and attended many occasions highly influenced by software vendors. Overly for my liking.
Still, floating the idea of having a ‘national software’ to be the synonym for regulated efforts towards energy efficiency of an entire country is a bit ‘out there’ for me.

Almost like stating that Revit = BIM. (or any other modelling package for that matter).